
Charge Exchange Cross Sections

Energy Range
10.00 keV/amu → 200 keV/amu


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Li3+ + H0 → Li2+ + H+total
Li3+ + H0 → Li2+(n=2) + H+n-resolved
Li3+ + H0 → Li2+(2s) + H+nl-resolved
Li3+ + H0 → Li2+(2p) + H+nl-resolved
Li3+ + H0 → Li2+(n=3) + H+n-resolved
Li3+ + H0 → Li2+(3s) + H+nl-resolved
Li3+ + H0 → Li2+(3p) + H+nl-resolved
Li3+ + H0 → Li2+(3d) + H+nl-resolved
Li3+ + H0 → Li2+(n=4) + H+n-resolved
Li3+ + H0 → Li2+(4s) + H+nl-resolved
Li3+ + H0 → Li2+(4p) + H+nl-resolved
Li3+ + H0 → Li2+(4d) + H+nl-resolved
Li3+ + H0 → Li2+(4f) + H+nl-resolved
Li3+ + H0 → Li2+(n=5) + H+n-resolved
Li3+ + H0 → Li2+(5s) + H+nl-resolved
Li3+ + H0 → Li2+(5p) + H+nl-resolved
Li3+ + H0 → Li2+(5d) + H+nl-resolved
Li3+ + H0 → Li2+(5f) + H+nl-resolved
Li3+ + H0 → Li2+(5g) + H+nl-resolved
Li3+ + H0 → Li2+(n=6) + H+n-resolved
Li3+ + H0 → Li2+(6s) + H+nl-resolved
Li3+ + H0 → Li2+(6p) + H+nl-resolved
Li3+ + H0 → Li2+(6d) + H+nl-resolved
Li3+ + H0 → Li2+(6f) + H+nl-resolved
Li3+ + H0 → Li2+(6g) + H+nl-resolved
Li3+ + H0 → Li2+(6h) + H+nl-resolved

  Cross sections extracted from : /home/adas/adas/adf49/arf07#h0_n1.dat

  The lowest energy is set to 10keV/amu since the trend as a function of
  energy for the total cross section is flat for the extracted cross
  section but falls strongly according to the total in adf02/sia#h/sia99#h_j99.dat.
  Above 10keV/amu the trend and turning points are in reasonable agreement.

  Code   : run_adas315.pro
  Author : Martin O'Mullane
  Date   : 19-08-2012




  • Adam Foster
  • Martin O'Mullane
  • Transitions
  • Comments
  • Origins

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